Archive for July, 2014

Q&A: Tension

The forty-seventh question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “What is the best way for you to relieve tension?”

Hmm….well, the best way is to have someone give me a massage/floats, because that’s pretty much the most relaxing thing ever…but cuddling with/being held by the right person will do it, as well.  If it’s something I have to do entirely on my own, then the best way for me to relieve tension is probably by listening to music and allowing myself to get really into it, especially if I’m driving and can have the windows down.  That melts away any stress, and turns it into fun and ridiculousness.  Otherwise, food and good TV/movies will help too…but music is probably the best solo thing, and touch definitely the best if others can be involved.  That is, if I can’t escape away to a tropical island, anyway 😉


Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “Which person have you taken most advantage of?”)

Q&A: Humbling

The forty-sixth question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “In what way are you most humble?”

I…honestly have absolutely no idea how to answer this question.  I’m not sure in what way I’m most humble, if I even am…so…yeah!  I guess that’s that…


Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “What is the best way for you to relieve tension?”)

Q&A: Value

The forty-fifth question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “What is the most valuable thing you own?”

Monetarily, I’d have to think my car is the most valuable thing I own…but emotionally/sentimentally (ie: more importantly), the most valuable thing I own is…well, it’s probably a collection of things, including but not limited to certain gifts from important people in my life, and letters/notes/other mementos I’ve saved from the most important people who have been in my life over the years.   I judge what’s most ‘valuable’ to me by what I would be most upset to lose if I lost everything in a fire or something, and I’d say that’s it.  Now that I think about it, that actually places my computer in a place of pretty high value, as it holds tens of thousands of images and data files from people over the years that I just cannot imagine losing.  It’s all about memory, to me, and love.  I need those things in my life. I can’t ever let them go.


Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “In what way are you most humble?”)

Q&A: Hilarity

The forty-fourth question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “Who is the person most able to make you laugh?”

I stumbled through a few names of people I thought might fit the description of “most able to make me laugh” when I first saw this question, but before I got around to writing up the actual answer for it, I spent some time with my family…and there, the question was answered for sure.   While a lot of people can make me laugh, both because I’m easily amused and because I’ve been lucky enough to become friends with some really wonderful people who make me laugh every time I see them, the person who is most able to make me laugh is, I would say, my brother.  The way he tells stories is absolutely priceless, and always hilarious, and he’s got at least one or two new stories to share every time I see him. His antics are the stuff of sitcoms, but funnier, and I can never help but be in tears from laughter when I’m talking to him.


My mother is also pretty high up on the list of people most able to make me laugh, because I cannot think of a single time where I’ve spent more than 5 minutes in her presence without laughing.  We are both ridiculous, random people, and when we’re together (and especially when you add my sister to the mix), the best parts of us are magnified, leading to a whole hell of a lot of laughter.  My stepfather always says that when we’re together he can hear us “cackling” from anywhere, and I don’t doubt that that is true. I love being around her; it’s always so much fun.

So, it’s one of them, for sure!  God, I love the people in my life. 🙂

Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “What is the most valuable thing you own?”)

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