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Q&A: Gratitude

The one hundred-fifteenth question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “What is the least gratitude you’ve ever been shown?”

Ugh…I don’t like this question. I can think of a few examples of answers I could give here, but I’m really not comfortable with this question; it feels wrong to me to answer it for some reason…so I think I’m going to skip this one. I’m noticing I’m a lot more reserved about what I share these days, and I’m not entirely sure why, but maybe that’s a sign that I should stop doing this…at least for a while. We’ll see. I’ll write out what the next question is at the end of this one anyway, but I may not answer it next week. Sorry, guys. There’s just something holding me back from all the personal sharing.

Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “What is the one thing you have ever made or created that comes closest to perfection?”)

Q&A: Inexplicable

The one hundred-fourteenth question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “What is the most inexplicable thing you’ve ever witnessed?”

At first, I wasn’t sure I had an answer to this, because I have a terrible memory…now, I’m pretty sure I do have an answer, but I don’t think I’m going to give it. Although I have shared some pretty personal details on here before, for some reason, the details surrounding the answer to this question just feel too personal to me to share. It’s strange, though, because I can’t explain why I feel that way. Maybe I’m just becoming even more introverted…either way, I don’t think I can bring myself to answer this one right now. Maybe if I become further removed from the situation in the future, I’ll be able to. We’ll see.


Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “What is the least gratitude you’ve ever been shown?”)

Q&A: Self-Confidence

The one hundred-thirteenth question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “When did you have the weakest self-confidence ever?”

Oh, geez…this is a hard one for me. A whole bunch of answers pop into my head at once, and ranking them isn’t incredibly easy. When I really think about it, if you asked my friends when they thought I had the weakest self-confidence, I’m pretty sure their answers would be very different from the one I have to give here. Theirs would sound much more reasonable and logical than mine, but I do believe mine to be more accurate, based on how I actually felt.

See, it would stand to reason that the times I had the weakest self-confidence would be when I allowed myself to stay in abusive relationships, even after knowing they were abusive…and certainly, the last ‘relationship’ I was in would be a good contender in that regard…but I don’t think any of those were when my self confidence was the lowest. I think, in fact, that my self confidence was the lowest when I started to heal from those abuses, as odd as that might sound to say.

I’m not sure I really can (or even want to) explain why I feel that way in a way that will make sense, but what it comes down to is that when I finally got into a healthy, stable relationship with someone, who supported me and allowed me to be vulnerable to them…I got all kinds of fucked up. Apparently that’s a completely normal response to something like that, but at the time it really didn’t feel like it; it felt like I had finally found someone who loved and respected me and wanted to help me overcome my past, but that instead of being all I could be for them, I was a massive ball of anxiety and mental illness instead. The reason why makes sense; I was not at all used to having a healthy relationship and therefore had no idea how one would work, so I had to basically un-learn everything I had ever known about relationships for 28 years, and learn something entirely new, which is overwhelmingly difficult…but despite logic, it just felt, to me, like I was a horrible person.


There is a lot more detail I could go into on this one, and part of me feels like I should, but most of me is just having a really hard time writing this, because I am massively sick and it’s messing with my brain something awful…so before I make this really weird or incoherent (I’m really just hoping I haven’t done that already), I’m going to end it. Sorry, guys; this might have been a good one, but I just don’t have it in me at all right now. Damn illness…

Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “What is the most inexplicable thing you’ve ever witnessed?”)

Q&A: Politically Incorrect

The one hundred-twelfth question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “When do you find yourself most politically incorrect?”

Hahaha, wow, this question. When do I find myself most politically incorrect? All the time. Given the standards for what is considered to be politically correct these days, I’m pretty sure I’m politically incorrect 99.9% of the time. Honestly, I think our society has gone way too far in terms of political correctness; to the point that just being yourself is no longer “PC”, so you have to monitor your every action and every word that passes your lips, lest it offend someone in some weird, backwards way. It amazes me what people find offensive these days. I look at Facebook, and all I see is people complaining about what other people are thinking, doing or saying, and it is genuinely fascinating (and, at the same time, incredibly frustrating) to see how people these days can twist even the nicest, most well-intended statement or action into something horribly offensive. It makes me afraid to talk to anyone I meet in public, because I can’t know, when meeting them, how ‘sensitive’ they’ll be. Everything sets people off these days, and I find it overwhelmingly draining.

But when do I find myself most politically incorrect? Well, I guess that would be when talking to or about (or, as it is most of the time, just thinking about) feminists. There is very little in feminism that I agree with, despite being female myself, so I have a very hard time maintaining my socially acceptable status when feminist issues are being discussed. Now, I say that very broadly, because I have absolutely no interest in going into the details of this and getting blasted for it at the moment, so there are, of course, parts of feminism that I find to be perfectly reasonable, and I’m not saying feminists are bad, because some of them are perfectly fine people…it’s just that most of what they preach really isn’t reasonable or okay, to me. Most of it is, to be honest, infuriating to me…as is the way society is run in many other ways, these days.


I am really just not meant to exist in the current time period, I don’t think. It would be nice if I existed at a time when my feelings were more PC…and/or the definition of what is PC was more reasonable.

Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “When did you have the weakest self-confidence ever?”)

Q&A: Presidential Qualities

The one hundred-eleventh question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “Which of your own qualities do you most want in a president?”

Again, no president, so we’re going to have to go with Prime Minister on this one…which of my qualities would I most want in one? Um…that’s a hard question. I’m not sure I have any qualities I would want a prime minister to have…maybe my excessive guilt issue, so they would do right by people? 😛 I guess, maybe, my desire to help people, so they would genuinely want to do better for the people of Canada…but other than that, I’m not sure. I don’t have a lot of qualities that would be good in a politician 😛 Mike does, though!


Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “When do you find yourself most politically incorrect?”)

Q&A: Hypocritical

The one hundred-tenth question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “What issues are you most hypocritical about when considering your own political views?”

Honestly, I’m not sure. And I’m not sure if I’m not sure because as I said before, I don’t really want to think too heavily about politics when writing things for this blog, so I’m kind of mentally blocking the answer, or whether I genuinely just don’t know…I’m sure there’s something, but it’s not coming to me right now. Sorry, I’m just really not a very political person…come on, political questions; go away now, please…


Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “Which of your own qualities do you most want in a president?”)

Q&A: Betterment

The one hundred-ninth question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “Who would you pick as the president who did the most for the betterment of the country?”

Again, we don’t have presidents, we have prime ministers…so I’m going to go with Jean Chretien. Why? Because I like him. I don’t know – and honestly I don’t particularly care – if he did a whole hell of a lot for the betterment of the country, but it was certainly much better than it is now, he did a lot of great things, and I just plain like him. So a winner is him.


Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “What issues are you most hypocritical about when considering your own political views?”)

Q&A: President?

The one hundred-eighth question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “What do you most want the current president to accomplish?”

Well, being in Canada, we don’t have presidents, we have prime ministers…so what do I most want the current prime minister to accomplish? I most want him (Stephen Harper) to get the fuck out of office and give us our country back. Or, if he could go one step further, I want him to go back in time to before he was elected and get the fuck out then, so none of the horrible things that have happened under his “rule” would ever occur.


Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “Who would you pick as the president who did the most for the betterment of the country?”)

Q&A: Libs vs. Cons

The one hundred-seventh question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “What do you think is the worst thing about liberals? And about conservatives?”

Alright, I’m gonna be honest here: I don’t really like discussing politics. Sometimes it’s fun, in the moment, but in general, it’s not one of my favourite topics. That being the case, I kind of really hate these questions, and can’t wait to move on from the political topics…so as a result, I’m not going to bother answering this one. I really just do not have it in me to talk about that stuff right now, when it’s not something I’m feeling passionate about. Sorry!


Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “What do you most want the current president to accomplish?”)

Q&A: Serving my Country

The one hundred-sixth question for the Q&A section of this blog is: “What is the best thing you’ve ever done for your country?”

I honestly don’t think I’ve ever really done anything for my country. I’m trying to think of something, because it would be nice if I had, but I really don’t think I ever have. So that’s a fail…


Check out Mike’s answer at, and please feel free to post your own in the comments! :)

(Next question: “What do you think is the worst thing about liberals? And about conservatives?”)

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